Monday. I know.

You despise it.

The commute. Getting the kids, who dread Monday’s just as much as you, up and off to school. Hearing your boss bitch. Tired from staying up to watch Sunday Night football or another mind-blowing episode of Homeland or The Walking Dead. Another Autumn weekend has came and gone. The winter (ah snow already?) is fast approaching. Bullshit right?

Not to mention, let’s face it you feel like a fat shit from a weekend of booze, out of control portions, and over consumption of cheat foods.

I think Jax Teller on Sons of Anarchy (BEST SHOW ON TV PERIOD.) explains it best.

“When I look at my day, I realize that the most of it was spent cleaning up the damage of the day before. In that life, I have no future. All I have is distraction and remorse.”


You screwed up this weekend again…

You promised after a solid week of eating healthy, absolutely dominating your workouts, and down a few LBS, you were going to carry that momentum into the weekend.

Now it’s Monday (I know, I won’t keep reminding you but at least you can read the rest of site to distract yourself!), and the bathroom scale doesn’t lie like Shakira’s hips.

You’re pissed off and you should be. All your blood, sweat, and tears goes to waste with a few moments of gluttony.

Now I truly enjoy my fair share of food. Yes, I would consider myself a foodie and when Ryan and I go off, we go OFF. You know, GO BIG or GO HOME!

But like always, Sons of Strength has you covered with some ways to keep yourself under control so that you’re not cleaning up the damage of your weekends. Remember, in that lifestyle you won’t create the body you want. You won’t live the life you want. All you will have is regret.

TAKE OWNERSHIP. Yes, it’s up to you. In a world where you do not know what will happen next, your training and diet is one of the ONLY things in YOUR own control. Take responsibility. Look at the man or woman in the mirror and call bullshit on yourself. Remember, if it was easy, everyone would do it and everyone would look damn good too.

EARN THAT ONE CHEAT MEAL or DAY. Cheat meals can be a great thing from aiding your body composition goals to relieving your urge to go batshit crazy off your diet. (Here’s some awesome information that you need to check out by John Romaniello over at Roman Fitness Systems.) Earn that cheat meal or day throughout the week, pushing off all your temptations until that designated moment. When it comes, absolutely enjoy! You deserved it. Once you finish that last bite, it’s over. No regrets. Do not feel guilty about it at all! Move on and earn your next one.

AVOID TRIGGERS. Have that one friend who’s on the seafood weekend diet. You know, see food and he eats it. Yeah, try avoiding him during meal times. Have a meal before hanging out. Maybe you always find yourself slipping at the bar, kicking back to a few too many brews while watching some pigskin. Change up your environment. Watch the games somewhere where food and booze isn’t as accessible.

DAMAGE CONTROL. You know you’re going to go off the deep end, at least make up some room. Get in a metabolic workout to get your engine fired up so that you can burn fat the rest of the day. Need some ideas, give this a go:


30 Seconds ON: 30 Seconds OFF

Repeat for 3-4 rounds. Get as many reps as possible in the WORK period.

This is on YOU, the more you push yourself, the harder it will be, and the more benefit you will get.

  • Kettlebell Swings or Squat Jumps
  • Alternating Reverse Lunges
  • Pushups (perfect plank position)
  • Pullups or Inverted Rows
  • Body Saw or Rollout or Plank
  • Metabolic (i.e., sled, sprint, ropes, or fan bike)

EAT LIKE A WARRIOR. Try fasting for the day until your last meal where you know you’re going to feast. As you should emphasize what you eat and its quality, in this circumstance we’re going to focus on quantity. By fasting until your cheat day dinner, you will be sure not to go absolutely bananas on your caloric consumption.

So as you look back on your weekends, a sense of guilt or despair shouldn’t cross your mind. You only go around once, so enjoy every second. It is time for you to live the life you want with the body you truly desire and that you have worked your ass off for. Skip the distraction and remorse. You are in control of your future. Now go create it.
