If you’re like most of the bros we know, it’s fair to assume you are constantly striving for a bigger bench press. 

After all, the notorious “How much ya bench?” is still alive and well. Yes, really

Except, those same bros we know, often go about achieving a big bench in a suboptimal way. Showing up week after week, piling on weight set after set, and just hoping they’ll be able to press it. 

Sounds like you, doesn’t it? 

While this may have been a successful approach when you first started training, due to basic progressive overload, it becomes less and less effective as you get stronger and add years onto your training age. 

Sometimes in order to get stronger, you have to take a step back to re-examine and find a new approach. Making a car faster isn’t always about adding more horsepower to the engine, sometimes it’s about fine tuning the computer, revamping a few components, and making sure the car is stable from the wheels up. 

All the horsepower in the world won’t matter if the car can’t support it. 

This is also true for your bench press, or any lift for that matter. 

A few weeks ago, we wrote about the comeback of utilizing machines to reach your goals.

The benefits of machines are tried and true; increased time under tension, improved mind-muscle connection, injury rehabilitation, and protection against damaging your stabilizers, just to name a few.

But, this doesn’t mean you can or should train solely on machines for the rest of eternity. 

In order to protect your stabilizers, you actually need to have them… 

Yes, we know, we all have stabilizers. Thank you, we almost forgot. 

What we’re talking about is increasing stability through maximizing tension and truly learning how to control our joints underneath the bar. 

Below are three strategies to implement immediately into your training program to enhance your stability and ultimately, lead to the bench press promise land. 

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