Just in time for our country’s birthday, we present to you the truth about diary in relation to pursuit of your fitness, physique, and health freedom.

In retrospect, what is more American than dairy?

Cheese dons our nation’s favorite food, the cheeseburger.

The Green Bay Packers are the oldest NFL franchise. It just so happens that “Cheesehead” is the nickname for their fans.

Almost every American icon was featured in the Got Milk? ad campaign. Even the likes of Wolverine and Batman wore the infamous milk mustache. (well, we think it’s milk…)

It is not officially summer vacation until you either chase down the ice cream truck or replace dinner with sundae – extra whipped cream, of course – from Carvel. (Ry’s first job actually. More on that later.)

Then you have the oh so delicious Ben & Jerry’s, Baskin Robbins’ 31 original favors, plus the FroYo boom.

Hell, a cult was created when people began putting butter in their coffee.

Dairy is American as apple pie and baseball.

Then came along the haters to try to suck the fun out of our childhood and adult pastime. The Paleo diet claimed dairy was one of the root causes for obesity and that it would only cause inflammation, allergies, and other problems. The vegans argued that humans are the only animal to drink the milk from another animal.

I’m just going to leave this argument to the powerful Joe Rogan, who sums it up quite well.

When it comes to diets and losing fat, it’s the American way to demonize a certain macronutrient (fat or carbs) or specific food group. And it’s ALWAYS changing.

Sure, at the beginning, you reap the benefits. Mainly due to the fact that you are decreasing calories.

Dairy gets a bad rap for being the cause of skin problems and heart disease, difficulty digesting that leads to bloating, mucous forming, and irritable bowels, and to top it all off, being too high in sugar.

On the other hand, there isn’t a better source that is more nutrient dense with saturated fats, good bacteria, essential fatty acids, proteins, and carbs. Specifically, the combination of Vitamin A, D, and Calcium work together to help your body deal with stress, regulate your metabolism, and ensure your immune system is functioning on all four cylinders.

Today, July 4th, 2015, we are officially taking it back. We declare this the Red, White & Moo.

You want answers? You want the truth?!




Hang tight before you call us out for a bullshit answer.

It all depends on YOU – your reaction to dairy, your genetics, your biochemistry (which is dynamic and frequently changing), and your digestive system.

Many of us lose the ability to digest dairy just like we lose the ability to touch our toes.

If we sustain an injury, we could potentially lose our mobility. In order to get it back, we must heal then reset the brain (nervous system) with new software to tell your body it’s safe now. The same thing happens when our bodies undergo stress – in any way, shape or form – and our digestive systems is impacted.

Take a look at our co-founder, Ryan. His first job was at Carvel. Home of Fudgie the Whale, himself. Ah the epitome of health and fitness!

So after working their as a high school student, many, MANY post workout meals and taste testings occurred.

By the way, having fresh soft serve of your favorite ice cream flavor is life changing.

Anyway back to Ry. About a year or two later, he ran some tests and discovered he was lactose intolerant. Pretty ironic, right?

After some time and necessary steps to heal his digestive system, Ry’s dairy game was back in action. Dairy was tolerable in small doses again.

So there is hope!

What if you can’t get a legitimate test?

Besides being tested for lactose intolerance (your body’s inability to digest the sugar in milk due to a lactase deficiency), we have found the most optimal way to see where you stand is through eliminating dairy from your diet.

By removing its consumption for 3 to 4 weeks, you will then reintroduce a dairy product. We recommend something with a low level of lactose like a quality sourced butter, yogurt, kefir, or a cheese (aged 60 days or more).

In this part, you will need some awareness. After eating the dairy (from 15 minutes to 2 hours), ask yourself the following two questions:

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  • Does it bother or give you any discomfort?
    • Examples include bloating, flatulence, stomach cramping, diarrhea or loose stool, throwing up.
  • Do you have phlegm after eating?
    • Any food can cause mucous formation. This is usually signifies an intestinal irritation and/or overactive immune system.

If you answered “YES” to one or both of these questions, you may be sensitive to lactose (the disaccharide sugar derived from galactose and glucose in milk).

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So you might be lactose intolerant…

Kind of weird when you put it that way…

Storm (Eric’s puppy) feels your pain. Like most dogs, she is totally lacks the ability to break down lactose. You can tell from her poop alone.

Problem is she freaks out at the sight and smell of cheese. Like eyes out of her head, freak out. Specifically, grass fed cheese.

[If that isn’t the best indicator to go for grass fed over any other kind, I’m not sure what is. We’re with the pup on this one.]

Instead of just depriving her, we will occasionally sneak her a few small bites or give her any medication hidden in a piece. Does it effect her?

No, not much at all. But it’s in a small dose and very infrequently.

The same goes for you. If you are intolerant, tread cautiously. Assess what the potential damage is and if it is ultimately worth it.

If the mere sight of dairy causes stomach pains that bend you over in agony, I would probably recommend staying away from dairy. If you must, go with some substitutes like…

1. Whole Milk. You may actually just have an adverse reaction to the fortified vitamins added to lower fat versions.
2. Goat’s or Sheep Milk. It is much easier to digest but difficult to find.
3. Almond or Cashew Milk. The less ingredients, the better.
4. Just for the love of God, NO SOY.

If it just causes you a little bit of gas and bloat, and you are tempted by a  a slice of New York pizza – ACTUALLY our home state of Connecticut, which we believe has the best in the country – I would say go for it. ONLY if you trained, declared it a cheat day, and will stop the binge tomorrow.

The key is to be aware then pick and choose your battles.

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Gotcha, so…


Hmm, for most individuals I would say not necessarily as your GO-TO source. There a far better choices when it comes to increasing your protein intake and hitting your macros.

However, there is always a time, place, and situation. Here are some individuals that would benefit from consuming dairy, given they can tolerate it:


Full fat diary products are loaded with calories along with a unique blend of vitamins. For those that have a hard time increasing their calories to add muscle to their frames and gain good weight, dairy is a good way to do so.


Some individuals, particularly vegetarians and most women, have a hard time hitting a high amount of protein in the diets. Dairy is a good way to bump up protein numbers and provide amino acids.

If the increase in calories from full fat varieties is a problem, opt for low or no fat.


If you are in a cutting phase of your diet, you may be allotted low levels of fat. So that means you are opting for leaner cuts of meat to hit your protein and may find yourself hungry between meals. Dairy is a good way to increase your satiety and keep you fuller, longer.

For the most part, I would choose dairy products on rest days or when your carbohydrates are lower.

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Here are our three favorite dairy products that are regular staples in our diets, week to week. This does not include any “cheat” meal foods a la Pepe’s Pizza or Salt and Straw ice cream.

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Grass Fed Cheese:
Old Croc Australian Cheese (grass fed) – 1 oz
Calories: 115 P 7 C 0 F10

Greek Yogurt:

Fage 0%
Calories:100  18p 7c 0f

Fage – full fat
Calories: 220 20p 9c 11f

2% Low Fat Cottage Cheese (Daisy) – 6 oz
Calories: 135 19.5p 6c 4f


Also, we have to mention BUTTER. It is one of our top three cooking oils as explained in this episode of Meat & Potatoes. If you find that you are lactose intolerant, go with Coconut Oil or Ghee (clarified butter where the lactose is removed).

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There you have our beliefs on dairy and your freedom from dairy haters. Now it’s your right to decide if dairy is a good choice for your health and body composition goals. That’s what the RED, WHITE & MOO is all about.


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